Great DeviantArt Adventure Hoshi-Hen Part 3

30 min read

Deviation Actions

Rodie-the-Nightblade's avatar

*UPDATED 11:25 am PST, JAMUWINRARY 29th, 2014*

A summary of what has happened off-journal:

*Rose and company are still on a boat, nearing Minas Atienwen

*Rodie, frustrated at the lack of action, quietly left and obtained the Star of Water, then returned to the boat in time to fend off an assassin robot attack

*Rilasha gets caught up with the events and finds herself on the boat, just in time to help fend off an assassin robot attack

*The assassin robot was vanquished, but Rilasha was knocked unconcious during the battle

*Vincent and Dan meet up and, after tending to Dan's wounds, band together with the healer Pama Brightrain to wrest the Star of Earth from the evil sorceress, Kera.

*Demialc, Sailor Phantom, and Joe gain control over the Star of Darkness after using the Star of Light's power.

*Joe wanders off into the Tempest Hills, searching for the Star of Wind, after briefly helping a pregnant Marisa to safety and getting a hoverbike of his own

*Let me know what I missed, I'm sure there's some things

[MOAR UPDATE: Take two points to upgrade your Heroic Tier or Lunatic Mode characters. I'm going to remove a couple points from mine for characterization consistency. Lemme know where you want to spend your upgrades.]

(RETROACTIVE UPDATE: Augh, I thought this was posted way earlier. Anyhow, with the Perk system implemented, thought you should all know that now sometimes enemies have a chance to have random NPC-specific Perks, called Fortifications! Explanation of such abilities found here.… )


Sailor Phantom: I'm suddenly lost. XD I know I have the star of Darkness and I was still in the tower so... 'why am I lost' I ask myself.

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You suddenly remember the coin that Rodie gave you in case of trouble. He said something about shouting into it.


Rodie heals the injured Rilasha with some healing magic. "Looks like a bad scratch and a nasty bump... here, this should fix it. Just try to keep the swelling down if it acts up. I'm sorry I wasn't able to cover you that time... I..." He turns and thinks. Why wasn't he able to control his actions in battle? It was unlike him to not keep an eye on his allies. What changed... The Star! Could the overwhelming power have caused him to lose control during the heat of battle? Perhaps he was unfit to wield it's power. Especially given his past experience with such artifacts...

Rodie approaches Icyshadow. "Hey... I understand you're uncertain about what to do. You didn't ask to be put in this situation. But, when the chips are down and the enemy is upon us, if you hesitate, they'll take everything from you. I know. Just look for an opening, and when the chance comes, don't hesitate, just do it!"


The ship carrying Rose and company pulls into view of the fortress city of Minas Atienwen. "LAAAAAND HOOOOO!!!" shouts the crow in the crow's nest.


Joe the Hedgehog arrives at Tempest Hills Zone, Act One, to find...

DETAILS: Various Examples of Decoration (Accidentally clicked off the window before I could screencap)

The villages and nomads of the area have banded together to hold a festival!


photo 223.jpg

What does that mean?

photo 224.jpg

((Wow, double Youmus))

"Lord Danish, it seems our assassin robot has failed to dispatch the royal family."

Danish looks lost in thought for a moment before replying.

"No matter. We still have an agent on that boat... leave me."

As the messenger leaves the room, Danish reaches out to Youmu...…

Youmu's world goes black. Youmu... hear me, Youmu. Shake off this paltry geas and resume your duty... Kill the royal family!"

Youmu blinks and looks towards the power in her mindscape that is Lord Danish's control. Obey me, my dear... kill Rose. Kill Yukari. Kill all who stand with them.

Another light appears to her, opposite Lord Danish. Can't let you do that, Danish. Youmu! You are bound by voodoo to serve the royal family. Danish is your enemy!

Cursed voodoo... This one is MINE!

Youmu is OURS!





As the two conflicting powers stuggle for control, Youmu's mindscape cracks and strains.


As Danish grabs for her dreamscape persona, Youmu reflexively lashes out and breaks his image, shattering it. The strain on her mind disappears, and Youmu finds herself waking up on the deck of a ship, as a strange robotic creature crashed to the floor. Her last memory is that of a strange cloaked man approaching her as she trained near Hakugyokurou...


Demialc: "I try to set up a path to the next nearest elemental star. Other are welcome to get a lift."

That would be either Tempest Hills for the Wind Star or Minas Atienwen for the Nature Star!


Joe: "Does the festival have something to do with the star of wind?"


Indeed it does!

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It's a celebration for the time when the Stars were first created, driving back the darkness of the void!


Demialc opts for heading down to the Tempest Hills, ETA this evening PST!


Sailor Phantom: I take the coin and shout at it loudly. "RODIE! WE GOT THE STAR OF DARKNESS! I CURRENTLY HAVE IT AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT!" (We have a set path then? Cool.) "I'll come with you Demialc. By the way, want to try holding the star and see how it reacts to you?" Back to the coin, "NEVER MIND! I think."


Rodie: "OW! MY MIND EARS!" Replying back mentally, "Okay then! ...Are you all still in one piece? The Paladin Sanae we were travelling with turned out to be an assassin robot, but we took care of it. Also, I've got the Star of Water, so that one's taken care of. Is Joe holding up?"

Sailor Phantom: "Yep, were all good. Alright! Another star down then! Do you know what do we do with them? Um, Joe is gone."

Rodie: "He's what?! Hmm. Well. I'll be right there."

Rodie grips the coin and addresses Rose, Icyshadow and Rilasha. "Hey, I'll be back. My friend Joe is missing, and I gotta go make sure he hasn't gotten himself in trouble again. Icy, and... nice sexy succubus lady, I'm counting on you two to help out Queen Yukari, okay?" He passes the Star of Water to Icyshadow and lowers his voice. "Hey, I need you to be strong and keep Rose safe for me too, bud. I have a feeling there's more to her than meets the eye. Remember, when the time for action comes, don't hesitate, just do it! I believe in you."

Holding the coin aloft, Rodie addresses the crowd again. "Sorry to jet, but you know what they say... Bros... before Rose. YEEAAAAAAAASTRAL RECALL!

Rodie uses his Shaman cliche to Astral Recall back to the coin!

"Though, I really do wonder about Rose. Something doesn't make sense... I just can't prove anything yet."


Joe: "Very well then. Do they have any issues with parting with the star so I can use it to drive the darkness out of Gensokyo once more?"


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The person or team who emerges victorious in a combative contest wins the right to try and attune with the Wind Star!


Chen's ship, carrying Rose, Icyshadow, Rilasha, Youmu, Yukari, Biggs, and Wedge, makes port at Minas Atienwen, to find...

photo 227.jpg

That the fortress city is recovering from a recent attack by Lord Danish's fleet!


Vincent runs a final check on his equipment and nods at Dan. "Everything checks out," he says. He pulls his sunglasses on, boards his hoverbike, and indicates the seat behind him. "Hop on, let's go christen us a sorceress. Where to, mac?"

Dan hops on the bike.  "The bunker's not far from here." the Core Knight explains, I saw it on the way into the city.  Also, we're gonna be bringing along another passenger.  The healer who helped me out wants to go on an adventure, and I figured we may need some kind of assistance when it comes to healing."

"Oh really? You're smooth, buddy! Let's keep her out of harm's way though, shall we?" Vincent guns the engine. "Fasten your seat belts, kids, let's go!"

Dan nodded.  "Let's go." he replied, "I don't want to waste any more time.  I just hope that the sorceress proves a more worthy foe than the puzzles I faced doing the Star of Fire's challenge."

Vincent: I'm going to use Hoverbike Hero to drive see if I can drive straight into the bunker and can get the jump on the target!

"Hang on, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!" Vincent bellows over the noise of the hoverbike's speed. "Yeeeeeee-haaaaaaaaa!!" vs……
Hoverbike Hero drops to 3!
With that, the summoned guards are alerted and the bunker's magical defenses hum online. It's time to fight through the Magical Bunker (3)-
DAN'S GREAT POWER PERK (Auto-Victory vs Battles that have only a total cliche rating of 3)
XP: Vincent's Hoverbike Hero… NOPE
      Dan's Genius Bruiser (Default for most appropriate cliche)… DING!

One thing: I forgot to mention that
And obtains the next tier in Gunkata, increasing his attunement with the Star of Fire to 7!


Dincent, Van and their healer companion Pama burst into Kera's study to find...

photo 228.jpg

"MY WORK MUST NOT BE INTERRUPTED!" screams Kera as she takes a large bite out of the scenery. Tentacles unfold from every corner and wall of the room, covered in what you presume is slime. "But, maybe I could use this as a chance to get more inspiration for my new erotic slashfic�" she licks her lips and wipes her cheeto-stained fingers on her blouse.

"Ye gods� she's even more evil than I feared." says Pama, visibly shaken. "She's a Fanfictimancer, drawing upon the dark powers of the D'viant art to damn us all! Stay on your guard!"


Joe: "So just beat the living daylights out of someone in a duel or something? I can do that! Who's the poor sap I have to contend with?"

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A large NUMBER of saps, actually, it is a contest after all. But it really boils down to a team of strong, large, and dumb fighters.

As Joe considers this, Demialc and Phanny fly in on the scene in the MP EVA MK II Demialc Edition. Though, it's pretty apparent that kind of robot partner can't enroll in on this contest.

With an audible VWORP, Rodie materializes next to Sailor Phantom. "'Soup and crackers, frien-" Looking down he notices he's about a craptillion feet in the air and falls down, landing next to Joe with a crunch. Donning his best Johnny Young Bosch voice, he shouts "Joe! I finally found you!"


Also, a long overdue attunement for Sailor Phantom to the Star of Darkness: 1…

Sailor Phantom's pure soul and the Star of Darkness don't seem to mesh well...

Simirror, you have 2 unspent points and an unchosen perk!
Icyshadow, you have 2 unspent points and an unchosen perk!

Fanfictimancer 6d10


"Well I've got a slashfic for you, you MSG-munching moron!" Vincent says. He draws his Firebolters and fires a volley at Kera. "Did I say slashfic? I'm sorry. I meant DIRT NAP!!" vs……
The tentacles move into position and take the shots, while Kera laughs. The scenery turns into what appears to be a high school locker room. Kera clears her throat and begins narrating... alarmingly, Vincent begins acting out Kera's every word...
"Vincent came out of the shower and nuzzled up to Dan's chest, playfully undoing the Core Knight's trousers while grabbing his rock-hard <DELETED>. "Let me show you my secret gunplay techniques" Vincent purrs. He then started <CENSORED> and <NO> while <NOPE> <OH GOD WHY> <MAKE IT GO AWAY> <MY EYES> <THE HORROR>

Vincent's "Gunkata" vs Dan… (Dan, choose a cliche to defend with)



Rilasha: W-what happened here? To think that a fortress city could be attacked like 230.jpg
((I... what? Well, better go to the random evil minion generator...))

photo 231.jpg


Lord Danish stares blankly at the messenger. "So, let me get this straight. We muster our fleet to cut off and attack the royal family at Minas Atienwen and in our first wave of offense we used..." Danish glances at the memo. "'Genetically-Engineered Beserker Cyborg Poodles?"

"That are also immune to bullets, sir." Confirms the messenger.

There is a long silence.

"How and why do we even... I don't... what?!" Danish sputters.

"They were the only dogs left at the pound, sir."

"I... Nevermind. Did they actually work?"

"Yes, sir. They decimated the first wall of defense."

"How many walls are left?"

"Six, sir."

"What was that?"

"Six, m'lord?"

"No, not that. That. That thing that just happened between my question and you answering."

"...I don't follow, sir?"

"That... weird, like.... thing."

"...I'm sorry, Lord Danish, I still don't understand."

"...Forget it. You're dismissed."

As the messenger leaves, Danish goes to his desk and pours out a shotglass of whiskey. He stares at it blankly for a moment, then sets it aside and drinks the bottle.


Demialc crafts a cunning plan while looking over the other contenders, seizing them up and noting possible weak points...
RESULT: Combat Strategy (5) created!


If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go die quietly after actually having to imagine an erotic Vincent/Dan scene.


"Look for an opening..." Icyshadow looks on as the ship begins to approach the fort, placing the star in his pocket with a slight grin on his face. As they arrive on the scene, he can't help but frown at the chaos.

Icyshadow: Are there any of Lord Danish's men left at the scene?

Looks like the coast is clear, for now. Awful lot of seagulls at the coast, though. Flying rat-nuisances...


Vincent's "Gunkata" vs Dan's Genius Bruiser (Pump 1)…
Dan tries to steel himself against the obscene onslaught, but with the possessed Vincent powered-up by the Star of Fire, it overwhelms him, dealing a massive blow against his psyche.

Dan then fixed his gaze on Kera, fury erupting around his form like a raging wildfire.  "Bitch, you picked the wrong guy to fuck around with." the Core Knight growled, "This ends now."  A cocoon of energy formed around him as his artifact began overwriting his armor code as well as turning the Bastard Sword of the Earth Rings into a new weapon.  When the transformation finished, Dan punched through the cocoon, then shattered it with the newly-transformed Bastard Sword of the Earth Rings, which had turned into a beam blade, the shards each slamming into a tentacle.  He then fixed his gaze on the fanfictimancer, projecting a menacing gaze that could easily stop a person in their tracks.  "Do not think that your powers will be enough to save you from my wrath, bitch." Dan snarled, "I've cut down many foes.  Make peace with your gods, for your end is nigh."

Dan's Badass with a Long Coat vs Kera's Fanfictimancer…

The tentacles shudder and drop as the shards connect, but Kera remains unshaken and returns the gaze. "Realizing how he'd never win the lovely, beautiful and perfect Kera's affections," Kera began narrating, "Dan decided to take his own life!" Horribly, Dan's hands move of their own accord and plunge his own sword into his gut!
((Side note: Shit, dude, the dice are not on your side and the odds are against you... might I suggest a more defensive strategy? Form a team with Vincent and grant each other power by using teamwork!))


Joe: "Anyway, we've got enemies to crush so, time to FIGHT IT OUT!" I'll give a quick glance around to take stock of the situation and then draw my sword and begin attacking, while making sure to check the positions and movements of the characters used by other players so I don't hinder any attacks they may make against this hoard of morons.

Joe sidesteps an arrow and dashes to the archer in the back, cleaving his bow and felling the foe in one mighty swing. He takes a blow from behind and spins around, slicing into another enemy, which falls just in time for another swordfighter to clash with his blade. The two engage in a display of swordsmanship before Joe lunges, catching his foe in the chest and downing him. From across the ring, a mage hurls a fireball, which Joe deftly parries before charging his own blade with magic, bringing it crashing down upon the ground and...

Rodie scratches the back of his head and sweatdrops. "Uh, Joe? You feeling alright? You've been standing there swinging at the air with your sword and making adorable "swish! clang!" noises for like five minutes now... ... *sigh* Sometimes he gets carried away..."

Rodie turns and addresses Demialc and Phantom. "But seriously, yes, I think your plan has good merit, Dem. Let's use that. Also, as long as we stick together and cover each other's weaknesses while playing to our own strengths, we should do fine. So! Shall we enter as a team then?"


Simirror and Remilia arrive at the festival and spot a large MP Eva parked in the carriage lot!


Rilasha fumes and mumbles at the disappeared Rodie. "I have a name you know!" She flies to the top of the ship's sail to get a better view of the fortress' damage.

One wall is badly damaged and has gaping chunks missing, but the other 6 in the large city remain intact. I'm guessing this place looks kinda like Minas Tirith on steroids.


"Allright, it's settled!" says Rodie, grabbing Sailor Phantom before she could respond. "Let's see... Joe, Phanny, Rodie, Demialc... JPRD... We'll be Team Jeopardy! As in, anyone who faces us in the arena will be putting their lives in that! I guess I'll tank, if you guys will spank."

Rodie (Shaman 5d10) is on point!


When PCs (or PCs and their NPC allies) form a team, the "Team Leader" is defined by the highest-ranking Cliché in the team (a title that must be designated if there is a tie). Everybody rolls dice, but the Team Leader's dice all count. Other Team Members contribute only their sixes or their single highest die-roll above six, their choice). Team members who roll nothing above five don't contribute anything to the Team Leader's total for that roll. (It should be noted that item bonuses are rolled as half their dice value for this purpose (rounded down,) instead of adding it's rating as a modifier)


Whenever a team loses a round of combat, a single team-member's dice is reduced by one (or three!) as per the normal combat rules. Any team member may "step forward" and voluntarily take this personal "damage" to his dice. If this happens, the noble volunteer is reduced by twice the normal amount (either two dice or six!), and the team leader gets to roll twice as many dice on his next attack, a temporary boost as the team avenges their heroic comrade. If no volunteer steps forward, then each member must roll against the Cliché they're using as part of the team: Low-roll takes the (undoubled) hit, and there is no "vengeance" bonus.

(RULING: Having a summoned creature volunteer for damage, while advantageous, will not trigger the Vengeance ability) ))

TL;DR- Combat is expedited and easier to manage with the added benefit of safety in numbers and wolf-pack tactics.


NOTE: Sorry for the small delay, there was issues at the Risusverse site where much of the rules were stored, but the site's back now, and I'll be working to make a backup in case it happens again!


NEWS: Good news, everyone! I've succeeded in programming a new means of generating random loot by modifying a copy of the GMEmulator and applying shiny Actionscript-Fu! True to the spirit of roleplaying, you get a chance to find stuff at the end of every NPC lethal combat you win, meaning there is a perk to being a mindless, mob-grinding killing machine! Err, well. You can also find loot by checking appropriate locations.

On a side note, there is a bunch of unused content in the code I'll wager was in the original Mythic GM Emulator document... perhaps I should get to work implementing it. I haven't programmed something that wasn't Heartbeatz since high school~

NORMAL MODE: You can participate in combat purely through the application of such items, if you desire. Also, if you want to upgrade to Heroic, but are unversed in the ways of Algebraic Combat, I'm here to help, just send me a note (Hell, I used to teach this kind of thing for a living.)

HEROIC MODE:  You may have already noticed I've done away with initiative, that's because in the spirit of RISUS, your turn and the enemy's technically happens at the same time. Before, I was using the team combat rules to determine who gets attacked, but this is of course now a moot point. I'm also going to make more of an effort for the behind-the-scenes rolls to be made public, hopefully without cluttering up space. 

LUNATIC MODE: Though it is yet to happen, death chance happens on a d100 roll, with 50 and below meaning you have died. Rolling 51 and above means you survive against the odds.

TREASURE ROLLS: When you find loot, dice are rolled to determine how much is generated, anywhere between 1 and 8 is possible. Rather than cluttering up the journal with images, I'll post a link to the result with a small blurb next to it.


*Holds a car battery and jumper cables to the plot*

Apart from the wreckage, what awaits the royal procession at Minas Atienwen?

photo 232.jpg

A councilmember, along with a full retinue of soldiers, rides out to meet the assembled party at the docks.

"Queen Yukari, Princess Rose, and escorts, I speak for the high druidic council. We have been waiting long for your arrival, we feared you lost in the massacre of your people at Gawold! Errr... I'm sorry, I had no idea you might not have known... uhm, please forgive the mess, it wasn't easy but we've driven back the enemy for the time being. But, quickly, we must get you all within the innermost walls for your safety. The Star of Nature rests securely there- our divinations revealed that you and your allies are gathering them, correct?"

As the procession motions for you to follow, the councilmember smiles weakly but honestly, "I'm sure you have many questions. I will answer what I can, on the way."



Seeing the Core Knight attack himself, Vincent regains enough of his composure to realize what is really going on.

'I've met some crazy enemies, but this is the craziest yet!' he thinks. 'If we lose here, we'll never see the Star of Earth and Gensokyo may be doomed! Worst of all, Peini-sensei will give me a correction that will break every bone in my body! Well, I didn't want to use it this early, but...'

Vincent opens his eyes and shakes off the illusion. "Dan! It's time to get serious!" He pulls off the scene's shower curtains and spins them on his fingers until they turn back into his Firebolters. Vincent gives a war cry and the guns are wreathed in flame brought about from the Star of Fire. 'Focus my energy...' he recites in his head. '...And burn with lust for victory!' As his war cry ends, a bright aura of a different color than Dan's surrounds him.

"Overdrive...GO!" For a moment, he throws his gaze on Dan. "Match your timing to mine!"

[Gunkata Master pumped for 3, now 9d8! Overdrive means a double pump for 12d8!]

Dan pulled the sword from his stomach, wincing as he did so. "I'll return the pain I just suffered to you 100 fold." he growled at Kera. Matching his timing with Vincent, Dan fired off two quick charged shots from the buster gun hidden in the beam blade, then sent a slash wave, and finally drew power into his fist. "DIE!" he roared as he punched the ground and sent a massive burst of energy beams screaming at Kera.… = Highest result of 5 added to combination attack!]

All the energy surrounding Vincent is channeled into the Firebolters and explodes in his attack as a raging stream of flame, force, and lead aimed directly at the ficmancer. "FIRE STAR INFERNOOOOO!!"


Kera reels from the barrage, but slowly grins. "Was that it? Tch, such typical boys, all flashy explosions but no substance~ which reminds me! I wrote a Transformers slashfic where Shia LeBouf makes out with Legolas! Shall I read it to you~?"

((Damn these lines practically write themselves. all I have to do is channel my third ex))

In the arena, Team Jeopardy faces down...

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Lord Danish appears above the so-far victorious team and spreads his arms wide. "So! Enjoying the games are we? I do so love a good party... but, I'm afraid there has been a change in the lineup..."

With that, a shadow pools on the ground, out of which bursts a shadowy, skull-faced manifestation of Danish!

Rodie: "Feth and stink...! Danish, you tyrant! Just what are you planning!?"

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With Danish's arms spread wide, Rodie's eyes drift down from his masked face slightly to his tunic. He blinks. 

"Wait. Why are his hips wider than his shoulders." Rodie turns to Demialc. "Did we ever establish... if... he... she... bguh..."

Without another word, Lord Danish fades out of existence, laughing.



((Allright, I've been tinkering with Flash some more instead of updating, I'm trying to get a reliable method of auto-genning enemies for combat encounters rather than having to roll dice for it all while crying and drowning my sorrows in really shitty coffee. Then I took a step back and realized we kinda lost sight of why this was so damn fun, so let's get back to saving Holy Gensokyo and giving Danish what-for, chaps! Tally-ho!))

Demialc whips out a rocket launcher, checks his aim, locks on, and fires it. The resulting explosion impacts the ghost and stirs up a dust cloud. 

Phanny seizes this chance and holds the Star of Darkness aloft, twirls around, and calls her attack. "Consuming Shadow!"

As the dust clears, the ghost is held fast in the grip of the magical shadow, allowing Rodie time to bring his sword to bear. Running his hands over the runes on the surface, he plunges the blade into the ground. Sigils rotate around Phantom Danish, binding it further.

CRITICAL HIT!… Critical Damage for 6!

Joe brings his sword to bear and charges the bound enemy, slashing across it. The shadows break apart and fall back in to pierce Phantom Danish's form, the sigils explode, then those explosions explode!

Rodie: Victory is assured! Let's end this!


The councilmember coughs nervously. "Yes, well. If you think of something, please don't hesitate to ask. Will you follow us to the council?"
((Awaiting input from Rose, Icyshadow, or Rilasha))

Rilasha: Sure. So when was the fortress's outer wall attacked?

Councilmember: Not long before you arrived. Danish's fleet is perched out there on the horizon...
photo 235.jpg

"It's obvious that he's toying with us though. The force out there isn't even close to what we've confirmed as his full capability."


Remilia nudges Simirror. "Hello in there?"

Suddenly pointing to the parking lot, Simirror realizes they've arrived.  "We're here!" he exclaims.

"You realize this now?" Remilia snarks, "we've been here for a while now."  

"Not important," Simirror replies dismissively, we go onward to the scene of the fight.  Assuming there is one still happening.  If there is one happening.  Where were we again? Ah right."  With that, he and Remilia charge into the festival full speed.

"Let's crash this party!" 

Simirror: Also can't remember if I had my attunement checked for the dark star.  In any case, LEROOOOOOOOOOY JENKIIIIIINS!



Rodie slides back and enters a trance as Demialc and Joe rush forward.

"Mima! I call upon you to honor your pact... lend my invocation power!"

Demialc brutally clubs Phantom Danish across the shoulder then across the side, knocking it off-balance. With one final THWACKRUNCH, he knocks it spiraling towards Joe.

Joe draws his sword, cutting across his foe in the same motion. 

Phanny: "Let's get him!"

Phanny rushes in and tags the ghost with a flurry of energy blasts, allowing Joe the chance to lay into it with a couple more sword swings.

Rodie forces his hands together, evoking a magic circle in front of him.

"Take this! The Proof of my Courage! Braver... SPAAAAAAARK!!"

The massive beam slams into the ghostly enemy as Joe and Phanny jump away. Phantom Danish is blown backwards across the battlefield...

Phantom Danish, despite it's present circumstance riding a wave beam, sniffs the air. "What smells like cheese...?"


Simirror flies through the air, foot-first, and kicks through Phantom Danish, leaving a gaping hole in it's body. In true Gainax fashion, it promptly explodes.

Phantom Danish "OURGH-Ourgh-ourgh-ourgh"
Rodie: "D-did it just Street Fighter...?"

((XP Rolls are on hold.))

Sailor Phantom: "Woot I hit him! That was awesome! ...Do we know where Lord or Lady... Danish went?"
photo 236.jpg

Most likely to rejoin his fleet poised to resume attacking Minas Atienwen!


((Okay, as I iterated in my journal, I'd really like someone to take this over after this chapter or arc. I really don't want to see it die, and I'm doing a poor job as interpreter. I feel I may have way overcomplicated it from a desire to incorporate game-y aspects, which seems to turn a lot of people off... I want to clutter less of the page with dice and numbers if possible from here on out. That being said. Does anyone have a good suggestion for a less luck-based experience system, for those times when rolling dice is a good idea? Would it maybe be better to just make it something that increases every Part and Chapter?))

I think it's safe to say Star of Wind GET


Icyshadow: Wait, so the force is not as big as first expected? Then we have to figure out where the main bulk of it is planning to move.

photo 237.jpg
((But moooom, we just HAD destruction a post ago))

More than likely, it's amassing and waiting for the city defenses to be weak enough to roll in and crush everything underfoot. It suggests that the enemy's knowledge of Minas Atienwen's abilities is limited, and doesn't want to risk a full-blown siege until the city's defenses have been tested. They obviously want to avoid the losses from the first attempt at taking Nyamene.

Icyshadow: Heheh, that's good news. If we make a pre-emptive strike, that might throw them even more off-guard... But we only have one ship, don't we?


Correct, only one ship is seaworthy, and that would be Captain Chen's ship.


Sailor Phantom: "Ok, so should we go after him or are there more stars we need to get?"

Allright team. What say you? The only one that technically remains is the Star of Earth where Dan and Vincent (or if Kera is to be believed, DanxVincent or Heroshipping) are FIGHTING. It's a good day to do what has to be done.

Joe: "Let Dan and Vincent get the Star of Earth, they've clearly got it handled. We should go crush Danish and his armies while we still know where they are, after determining who gets the wind star of course."

Rodie: "Yeah, I think I'll pass on the Star of Wind... also, guys, huddle, we need to figure this out... I have sneaking suspicions and we can't stay out in the open like this. I vote we get the hell back to Minas Atienwen and have a chat because A, I think it's odd AT BEST that we're just... WORKING together when we haven't even so much as introduced ourselves to each other, B, we're jumping waist-deep into this when we don't even have an explanation for WHAT IN THE NAME OF BREAD AND CHEESE IS ACTUALLY GOING ON HERE, and C, I need sleep, it's been like DAYS at least since any of us so much as closed our eyes, and I'm running out of spells, having skipped out on at least 8 hours of downtime. In summary... I think we're being played. I want answers. And Joe, you and I are having a chat. Right here, right now."

Dan looked at Kera, then charged up energy into his fist.  "This should help me out." he growled.  He then punched the ground as if launching another attack. This time, the energy being unleashed enveloped the Core Knight, repairing any damage he took during the fight.

Dan's healing restores the worst of his wounds, bringing the team back up to 4d8 from 3!


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chipples19's avatar
Wow, this thing IS still alive.